


In this article, we take a brief look at Telepathy in our Psychic Abilities category. We ALL have psychic abilities, but some people may not be aware or even want to believe that such abilities exist. If you are one who is sceptical and reading this, it may be that the Universe is in the process of preparing you for your very own awakening! We are all spiritual at heart, and we each live our lives under the energetic influences of the Universe whether we are consciously aware of it or not.

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psychic abilities telepathy


A person who has the ability to ‘read minds’ is called a Telepath. The gift is known as telepathy. Being telepathic is the ability to know exactly what another person is thinking, whether the other person is present, close by, or at a distance.

The ability of telepathy is actually quite common. Many people are telepathic but are not aware that they have such an ability. When a telepathic instance occurs, it is often considered to be a co-incidence.

There is no need for words when telepathy is involved because the thoughts come through very clearly as though they belong to the person who receives them. Two people may have a 2-way conversation going on in their minds and not even realise that they are communicating between each other.

Telepathy is an amazing gift that can surprise people as well as leave them in wonder. It could however also be considered to be quite intrusive as all kinds of thoughts can filter through. Two people can be together in the same space or be far apart across the world from each other and still communicate with their minds. Distance does not get in the way of the power of the minds!

“How did you know that?”, “I was just thinking that”, “I was expecting you”, “how did you know I would be here”, “how did you know I was coming?” are common reactions when telepathy is involved. This is the positive side of the ability, however there can be a negative side. All psychic abilities should only be utilized for the highest good of other people, but telepathy may be one ability that is sometimes used knowingly or even unknowingly to control or manipulate the mind of another.

Telepathy And Manipulation

When telepathy is very strong between two people, one person could easily try to control or manipulate the other person through their telepathic connection. This can happen regardless of whether they know or not about their telepathic connection. Because the ability is so natural it can be difficult for the receiving person to separate their own thoughts from the sender person. The receiving person believes that the thoughts must be their own to the point where they act upon them.

For instance, as an example, 2 people are together in a shop. One person has the thought that the other person wants to buy a particular item. Without any words being exchanged, the person who received the thoughts will suddenly find themselves offering to buy the item for the other person, even though they never intended to do so. Quite simply, the other person is manipulating with the telepathic power of their mind.

When you realise you are telepathic, there is a need to be aware of it and to analyse your thoughts to be sure that they are your thoughts and don’t belong to someone else. Learning to protect yourself is definitely a MUST when you have this gift to ensure that you are doing what is in your best interests!

* The writer of this article is Telepath and has provided this information based on personal experience.

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