


In this article, we take a brief look at Clairvoyance in our Psychic Abilities category. We ALL have psychic abilities, but some people may not be aware or even want to believe that such abilities exist. If you are one who is sceptical and reading this, it may be that the Universe is in the process of preparing you for your very own awakening! We are all spiritual at heart, and we each live our lives under the energetic influences of the Universe whether we are consciously aware of it or not.

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psychic abilities clairvoyance


A person who has the gift of ‘clear seeing’ is called a Clairvoyant. The ability is known as clairvoyance. The Clairvoyant sees visions of people (both living and in Spirit) and past, present and future events.

This gift enables the clairvoyant to see clear visions through the third eye which is located in the centre of the forehead, just above the nose and brow line.

Clairvoyant Visions

Internal Clairvoyance
Internal clairvoyance is seeing through the 3rd eye which is located in the middle of the forehead. A clairvoyant will see visions of people and see events unfold in much the same way as watching a movie or in a dream. Colours, symbols, shapes, images and numbers may also be seen.

External Clairvoyance
External clairvoyance enables the Clairvoyant to see life size projections and visions outside of body in the space around them. A Clairvoyant may see things such as Spirits, orbs, symmetrical sacred geometry, objects that once used to exist in a particular place and auras around people, animals and objects. It is possible for a room to literally change before the Clairvoyant’s eye to appear as it once used to look many year or even centuries before.

Strength Of Clairvoyance

Clairvoyants usually utilize their gift internally by seeing with their third eye, and they may have the ability to see externally too. The strength of their gift determines how clearly a clairvoyant can describe what is seen. If it is weak, the clairvoyant’s visions will be somewhat obscured or fleeting.

A clairvoyant with a strong gift can give a vivid description of a person’s appearance and describe the scene seen in the visions.

A Spiritualist Medium often has the gift of clairvoyance, and may also have other ‘clair’ abilities too.

* The writer of this article is clairvoyant and has provided this information based on personal experience of both internal and external clairvoyance.

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