


In this article, we take a brief look at Clairsentience in our Psychic Abilities category. We ALL have psychic abilities, but some people may not be aware or even want to believe that such abilities exist. If you are one who is sceptical and reading this, it may be that the Universe is in the process of preparing you for your very own awakening! We are all spiritual at heart, and we each live our lives under the energetic influences of the Universe whether we are consciously aware of it or not.

Category Articles

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psychic abilities clairsentience


A person who has the gift of ‘clear feeling’ is called a Clairsentient. The ability is known as clairsentience. A Clairsentient can perceive information related to the past, present and future through their ability to feel subtle energies. They can feel the emotional and physical states of other peopleThey may also feel the presence and/or the touch of a Spirit.

The Clairsentient may receive indication of a spiritual presence or confirmation of whatever else may be sensed or felt by experiencing sensations on their body, such as tingling, feeling cold or hot, goose bumps or the hair standing up on their arms or back of neck. It is important for the Clairsentient to trust exactly what they feel when they utilize their clairsentience ability.

Feeling Spirit Through Clairsentience

When a Clairsentient feels the touch of a Spirit, it feels much the same as a physical touch between humans. If the Spirit touches the Clairsentient with either a finger, elbow or whole arm for instance, the Clairsentient will feel the pressure of it on their body and be able to describe exactly what is being felt. When the Spirit stops touching the Clairsentient, the feeling or sensation of the compression can actually linger and may take a minute or so to fully disappear. A Spirit can basically do what humans do, so don’t be too surprised if you ever receive a hug from a Spirit!

A Spiritualist Medium often has the gift of clairsentience, and may also have other ‘clair’ abilities too.

As a side note, if a Spirit should visit you, it helps to remember that you are not powerless and you can politely ask the Spirit to leave. Always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to show you are being gracious and respectful of who they are.

* The writer of this article is clairsentient and has provided this information based on personal experience of clairsentience.

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