the empath
the empath

The Empath


In this article, we take a brief look at The Empath in our Psychic Abilities category. We ALL have psychic abilities, but some people may not be aware or even want to believe that such abilities exist. If you are one who is sceptical and reading this, it may be that the Universe is in the process of preparing you for your very own awakening! We are all spiritual at heart, and we each live our lives under the energetic influences of the Universe whether we are consciously aware of it or not.

Category Articles

The Empath
Automatic Writing
Natural Intuition
psychic abilities the empath


A person who is ’empathic’ is called an Empath. The Empath has the ability to feel another person’s feelings within their own being as though the feelings are their own. Many people are naturally empathic without realising it.

There is a need for an Empath to learn protection rituals as it is all too easy for an Empath to become overtaken by their feelings. They may become overly sensitive, confused, indecisive and emotional, and suffer ill-health when adopting the feelings of others unintentionally.

For instance, an empath who has a partner suffering with a minor ailment such as sinus pain or leg pain may start to feel pain in their sinuses or leg. The empath may believe it is their own ailment when really it isn’t at all. There are many people who live with others that experience this. They may even visit their GP numerous times in the belief that there is something wrong, but tests will always come back fine.

The best healers are empathic. Their gift gives them an incredible ability to pinpoint illness and ailments in the body with amazing accuracy.

The Empath And Protection

Empaths can protect themselves by performing a ritual that blocks the feelings of others. It should be performed on a daily basis or as often as you feel it’s needed. One way to do this is by creating a protective bubble around your body using your hands. You can do this by placing your hands together directly above your head and then visualizing a specific colour (i.e., white, pink, purple, gold, silver), while drawing a band of your chosen colour around yourself by bringing your hands down towards your side in a circular movement to create your bubble. Do this 3 times, visualizing a different colour each time you draw the bubble around yourself.

* The writer of this article is an Empath and has provided this information based on personal experience.

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