automatic writing
automatic writing

Automatic Writing


In this article, we take a brief look at Automatic Writing in our Psychic Abilities category. We ALL have psychic abilities, but some people may not be aware or even want to believe that such abilities exist. If you are one who is sceptical and reading this, it may be that the Universe is in the process of preparing you for your very own awakening! We are all spiritual at heart, and we each live our lives under the energetic influences of the Universe whether we are consciously aware of it or not.

Category Articles

Automatic Writing
Natural Intuition
The Empath
psychic abilities automatic writing


An automatic writer (Psychographer) usually experiences an awareness of a spiritual presence and the sensation of an invisible force moving their arm or hand to write a message.

When you try automatic writing for the first time, you may find that nothing happens. If however you persevere with all intent and patience, you may find that a spiritual entity joins you and starts to write through you. The writing itself may appear as an untidy scrawl or be jumbled up on the paper or it could be clearly legible. You might find that you write your Spirit Guides name or other names, or a message that relates to your future. Try not to discard or lose whatever you write as you might want to refer to it again as some point in your future.

Try Automatic Writing

It is very IMPORTANT to prepare the room you are in. Light a white candle, and cleanse the room by burning white sage (use either a white sage stick or burn loose white sage in a bowl). Walk around the room with the sage, ensuring that the smoke drifts along the walls, windows, doorway, in the corners and the middle of the room. Cleansing the room will clear any negative energies and make the room a sacred space. A white candle should be lit before you start and kept burning the whole time that you communicate with the Spirit World. If the candle goes out, it can be a warning that a negative entity has entered your sacred space. You might also want to say a prayer before you begin your connection.
Get your pen, paper, or a writing book (a book is the best option if you intend to try this often. You will more likely keep it safe somewhere so that you can relate to your writings at any time in the future). Sit down and make yourself feel very comfortable.
Place your hands in prayer position. State out loudly or say silently to yourself (whichever way you feel comfortable doing), “I call upon my highest Spirit Guide. I ask for protection and I ask for guidance as I write”.
Focus on what you feel when you ask for protection. You may feel a presence either around you or even within you. You might feel sensations such as heat or cold air or tingling on parts of your body. You might even feel as though someone is touching your hand or even another part of your body. If you get any kind of feeling, you can be sure that you have linked in with your Spirit Guide. If you don’t feel anything, give it time or try again another day. Once you are feeling connected, you should feel at ease, but if not, then it is better to break the connection rather than continue. It is important to remember that you are in control and you do have the power to ask any Spiritual entity to leave your space at any time.
When you sense that you are connected, hold your pen on the paper, and focus on your intentions of automatic writing. Allow yourself to drift into a trance like state and see what happens next. You will either feel your hand being guided to write or you may not experience anything at all. Give it time, as the writing may not occur immediately. If there is anything you specifically want to know, then ask questions while holding pen to paper and see what answers are written.
When you want to end the connection, state that you are disconnecting, and remember to thank your Spirit Guides for their presence and help.
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