In this article, we take a brief look at Clairalience in our Psychic Abilities category. We ALL have psychic abilities, but some people may not be aware or even want to believe that such abilities exist. If you are one who is sceptical and reading this, it may be that the Universe is in the process of preparing you for your very own awakening! We are all spiritual at heart, and we each live our lives under the energetic influences of the Universe whether we are consciously aware of it or not.
Category Articles

A person who has the gift of ‘clear smelling’ is called a Clairalient. The ability is known as clairalience. The Clairalient is able to perceive the smell of scents that come through from departed loves ones or smells that were once present in the space around them or further afield.
You may also hear of this gift being referred to as Clairolfaction, Clairosmesis, Clairscent or Clairessence.
The Gift Of Clairalience
The Clairalient will have an overwhelming sense of a specific smell and will instantly know what the smell is. For instance, the distinctive smell of a cigar may become apparent or the smell of cigarette smoke. Quite common is the scent of perfume or the fragrance of a flower or the smell of fruit. The Clairalient may perceive the smell of an old steam train or a coal fire. Indeed, all different kinds of smells come through the gift of Clairalience.
It is quite a rare extra sensory ability, and while there are people who are blessed with this gift, more people are likely to have one or more of the other ‘Clair’ abilities rather than this one.
The level of spiritual awareness that we each attain during our lifetime is truly influenced by the Universe. If you are somewhat sceptical and not sure you believe in psychic abilities, do be aware that there is a possibility that at some point in your life the Universe may begin to activate your Soul and take you on a spiritual journey where you discover your own psychic abilities. This can happen at ANY time in your life, and it is only at that point can any scepticism truly start to diminish.
It is apt to say ‘Never Say Never’ when it comes to the Universe and the Life Force energies!