spiritual awareness
spiritual awareness

Spiritual Awareness


You will find brief but informative articles in our Spiritual Awareness category.
You may find these articles helpful as you explore your spirituality and increase your spiritual awareness.

Category Articles

Soul and Spirit
The Universe and Life Forces
Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual Growth Process
Life Lessons
Freewill or Fate


Your spiritual awakening may begin at any time during your life time. It is a process that takes you on a spiritual journey that is personal and unique to you.

You will be drawn to people who will have much to teach you and you will encounter life experiences that are designed to teach you the lessons that your Soul came into this life to learn. Throughout all of this you will also learn to trust in your higher SELF (your Soul) and the Universe.

You will also be seeking out as much information as you can find in order increase your spiritual awareness and your understanding of the Universe. You will soon realise that there is far more to learn about life than you ever knew existed. The learning process is truly never ending, but you can trust that the Universe will guide you to learn all you need to know exactly at the right time. All in perfect timing!

The articles in this category may or may not resonate with you at this time. Much truly depends on your current level of awareness and understanding. If you are drawn to read the articles, it could be that the Universe is trying to draw your attention to something. At the very least though, you may gain you some ‘food for thought’ that is helpful to you at some point in the future as you continue to learn on your own spiritual journey.

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