freewill or fate
freewill or fate

Freewill or Fate


If you are seeking spiritual knowledge, you may find this article, Freewill or Fate from our Spiritual Awareness category helpful. At some point during your life, if it is your calling, the Universe may activate your Soul to begin the process of your spiritual awakening. As you embark on your spiritual journey, you will make many new discoveries that will alter your whole perspective of life. Your life will take on a whole new meaning and you will realise just how narrow your view of life was before. You will realise that there is so much more to learn and explore in your quest to increase your spiritual awareness and to gain a greater understanding of the true meaning of life and our Universe.

Category Articles

Freewill or Fate
Soul and Spirit
The Universe and Life Forces
Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual Growth Process
Life Lessons


As we live our lives, we are presented with many choices and decisions to make. At time we may wonder whether it is FREEWILL or FATE that brings about situations that we find ourselves in. While some people believe that we have freewill to make our own choices, other people believe that fate intervenes and makes our decisions for us.

While it may appear that we have freewill to make our own decisions, it could be that our actual choices are pre-determined, whereby our individual Souls already know the choices that will be made. And so in effect, fate is already decided.

The life force energies tend to push us in a certain direction when our choices are presented. And for one reason or another, we are led to make a specific choice. Sometimes, we are influenced to make a particular choice by another person. Other times, an opportunity may just simply disappear, leaving only one way to go. Either way, we can call it fate. Also, consider that our own freewill doesn’t make an opportunity disappear . . . but FATE can.

Any choice that we make always leads to something and whether that choice is what would have been chosen or not – either way, it is fate!

Freewill or Fate and Our Choices

There will be times when it will appear that the ‘wrong’ choice was made. But sometimes we are given 2nd or even 3rd chances, where the same opportunities may appear again further ahead on the pathway. If a decision leads to disappointment or a painful situation, it does not mean that it was wrong. This is because at Soul level, we will always make the RIGHT decision at any particular time in order to learn the RIGHT life lessons, whether positive or negative.

Any choice that we make, not only affects us, but it usually has an effect on at least one other person too, whether we are consciously aware of it or not. Even the seemingly minor decisions that we make in our daily lives (which could be as simple as deciding to change our shoes, skipping a meal, washing our hands, or forgetting something and having to go back for it) may slow an event down, speed things up, place us in the ‘right place’ at the right time, or at worse, even place us in the ‘wrong place’. Basically the decisions we make, whether intentionally or not, keep us in perfect timing with those who we are meant to connect with on our pathways – and of course in perfect timing with our fate.

So is it Freewill or Fate?

At Soul (energetic) level, we are constantly connected and in communion with other Souls to ensure that we meet our fate. Telepathy is one way that we communicate with other souls, but only some people are conscious of the ability. Whatever choice we make in life, it is the RIGHT decision, because from the moment we are born, we all begin to live our fate.

The bottom line is that some of us are actually born to learn some very hard life lessons, while some of us are not, and there are some people in this World who don’t even seem to have a choice of the kind of life they are destined to live – they can only live their fate.

So is it freewill or fate? Whatever we choose to believe, perhaps it is fate!

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