the universe and life forces
the universe and life forces

The Universe and Life Forces


If you are seeking spiritual knowledge, you may find this article, The Universe and Life Forces from our Spiritual Awareness category helpful. At some point during your life, if it is your calling, the Universe may activate your Soul to begin the process of your spiritual awakening. As you embark on your spiritual journey, you will make many new discoveries that will alter your whole perspective of life. Your life will take on a whole new meaning and you will realise just how narrow your view of life was before. You will realise that there is so much more to learn and explore in your quest to increase your spiritual awareness and to gain a greater understanding of the true meaning of life and our Universe.

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The Universe and Life Forces
Soul and Spirit
Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual Growth Process
Life Lessons
Freewill or Fate


This article “The Universe And Life Forces” is intended to help you understand how the Universe, the Planets, the Life Force Energies, Spirit, Soul, and the Human Being all converge together as ONE.

Life is supported on Earth by the Universe and the Planets within our Solar System. The planetary energies support and aid the creation of our lives through our individual Souls. All Beings – Living and in the Spirit World are connected energetically as ONE. At source, no Beings are ever separated.

As humans, the planetary energies affect us on all levels of our being – emotional, mental, physical and spiritual.

Astrological Sun Signs and the Life Forces

Of each of the 12 zodiac signs, the people of the same sign will be living their lives with similar planetary influences, the main life influence being from the ruling planet. For example:- Cancer is ruled by the Moon, so the Moon is a Cancerian’s MAJOR soul influence/force throughout life. The planetary positions change continuously, thus creating a variant of energies that directly affect your life. These energies are subtle, yet, extremely powerful and life altering – profoundly influencing thoughts, communications, moods, emotions and actions.

Examples of how the planetary influences can affect us in our lives:-

A mood swing is an effect caused by a shift in the planetary energies. The planets will have moved into a conflicting position influencing the mood to change abruptly.
Experiencing a change of mind is also caused by a shift in energies. For instance, a person may have to make a decision between two options. They may have a strong desire for one of the options, but suddenly at the last minute change their mind. In that last minute, the planetary energies would have influenced the decision of that person by sending the energy to their Soul, which then simultaneously influenced the person to change their mind. In effect, a person will do exactly what they were influenced to do.

In life, there really is no such thing as right or wrong, however, there are both negative and positive lessons to be learnt in life and the Universe always influences us to make the right choices in order to learn those lessons.

The Planetary Influences

The SUN is the ruler of LEO
Influences: Personality, Leadership

The MOON is the ruler of CANCER
Influences: Emotions, Moods, Sensitivity, Intuition, Fertility.

MERCURY is the ruler of both VIRGO and GEMINI
Communications, Technology, Travel.

VENUS is the ruler of both TAURUS and LIBRA
Influences: Love, Relationships, Beauty, Art, Socializing, Harmony and Balance.

MARS is the ruler of both ARIES and SCORPIO (ancient ruler)
Influences: Action, Anger, Aggression, Insomnia.

JUPITER is the ruler of SAGITTARIUS and PISCES (ancient ruler)
Influences: Expansion – wealth may accumulate or body weight could easily be gained. World Travel whether physically or imaginary, Higher Education.

SATURN is the ruler of CAPRICORN
Influences: Restriction, Limitations, Hard Lessons, Authorities, Responsibility.

URANUS is the ruler of AQUARIUS
Influences: Disruption, Unexpected Sudden changes, Surprises, Shocks, Health, Technology.

NEPTUNE is the ruler of PISCES
Influences: Illusion, Delusion, Imagination, Spirituality, Mysticism.

PLUTO is the ruler of SCORPIO
Influences: Death, Transformation, Rebirth, Upheaval, Compulsive/Obsessive Behaviour, Taboos, Regeneration.

Here is an example of how the energies could play out between people in life: if one person is mainly being influenced by Mars and the other person by Uranus, it is highly possible that a conflict could easily arise between them as the planetary energies are both quite fiery. Should the Uranus person deliver a shock to the Mars person, there is certainly the energy there for the Mars person to react in anger and so a conflict could begin. To calm them both down, it may need the energy of a third person who is being influenced by Venus, the planet that promotes balance and harmony. However, if the third person was being influenced by Mars instead of Venus, then the conflict could easily escalate.

The Universe And Life Forces In Relationships

We all want harmonious relationships, yet, this can only truly be achieved if the combination of planetary energies for each person within the relationship are highly compatible. If the energies on the whole are compatible the relationship can be very positive. However, a perfect relationship rarely exists. Many people experience some kind of strife during the course of a relationship.

When two people connect, their energies entwine sparking a reaction which can lead to either a negative or positive experience. If a relationship suffers through arguments or abuse, there will be conflictive energies influencing each person and thus, creating a negative experience. In time, the energies may change for the better as the planets transit and re-align to create a more harmonious influence that helps to improve the relationship, however, alternatively, the planets could re-align in a position where the influences bring the relationship to an end. Whatever the relationship experience is, there are most certainly lessons for each person to learn.

It is TRULY the calling of the Universe that influences ALL that transpires in life and that includes all of your relationships!

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