


If you are seeking spiritual knowledge, you may find this article, Beliefs from our Spiritual Awareness category helpful. At some point during your life, if it is your calling, the Universe may activate your Soul to begin the process of your spiritual awakening. As you embark on your spiritual journey, you will make many new discoveries that will alter your whole perspective of life. Your life will take on a whole new meaning and you will realise just how narrow your view of life was before. You will realise that there is so much more to learn and explore in your quest to increase your spiritual awareness and to gain a greater understanding of the true meaning of life and our Universe.

Category Articles

Soul and Spirit
The Universe and Life Forces
Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual Growth Process
Life Lessons
Freewill or Fate
spiritual beliefs


So you have received your Calling, and have found yourself wandering down a pathway in life where you are beginning to explore your Spirituality.

You may be pondering over beliefs that you have held for years and can suddenly see a different view for all that you have believed before. You may be feeling a little excited at the prospect of developing your psychic and healing abilities, however, this is just the beginning of a pathway that can hold many surprising twists and turns and provide experiences that can prove quite testing.

Beliefs And Spiritual Awareness

As you walk your pathway, you may encounter scepticism from people who do not share your beliefs. You may even find that other spiritual people do not share your beliefs. This is because they are at a different level of spiritual awareness.

As you explore your Spirituality and gain a deeper spiritual understanding, your own beliefs will continue to change.

On the spiritual pathway, there is no particular belief system that you have to follow, indeed, the only beliefs you have, are the ones that you choose to believe your SELF through all that you create and learn on your life journey. There are NO rights or wrongs, there are ONLY lessons, so whatever you believe is ALWAYS true for you.

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