spiritual awakening
spiritual awakening

Spiritual Awakening


If you are seeking spiritual knowledge, you may find this article, Spiritual Awakening from our Spiritual Awareness category helpful. At some point during your life, if it is your calling, the Universe may activate your Soul to begin the process of your spiritual awakening. As you embark on your spiritual journey, you will make many new discoveries that will alter your whole perspective of life. Your life will take on a whole new meaning and you will realise just how narrow your view of life was before. You will realise that there is so much more to learn and explore in your quest to increase your spiritual awareness and to gain a greater understanding of the true meaning of life and our Universe.

Category Articles

Spiritual Awakening
Soul and Spirit
The Universe and Life Forces
Spiritual Growth Process
Life Lessons
Freewill or Fate


A spiritual awakening is a process in which a person becomes more and more consciously aware of their own spirituality and the spiritual realms.

The process of awakening can begin in many different ways. For some people it may be a life event or a person in their life that sets them on a quest to discover more about their Spirituality and the metaphysical. For others, they may experience supernatural encounters, such as hearing voices, seeing Spirits and Orbs as part of their spiritual awakening process. They are then drawn to explore their spirituality and to focus on their psychic development.

Spiritual Awakening And The Catalyst

Some people do not consciously choose to walk a spiritual pathway. The Universe can however work in mysterious ways to blindly lead an individual onto the pathway. In this instance, it may be a life event or a specific person in an individual’s life who acts as the catalyst. By the time the individual realises what is happening, they are usually aware enough to understand that they are in the process of a spiritual awakening and have a strong desire to continue on the path.

There are people who are born awakened. They grow up fully conscious of the spirit world and are able to communicate with Spirit. Others however, may not experience their spiritual awakening until much later in their lives. Of course, not everyone is destined to awaken in this lifetime, and so it doesn’t happen to everyone.

In the process of awakening, a person begins to see life in a whole new way and realises that the hidden aspects of life were only concealed by their own level of consciousness. Indeed, many A-HA moments certainly arise while walking the spiritual pathway!

Spiritual Awakening And The Journey

Those who are just beginning their spiritual journey may find that they are drawn to learn Spiritual or Reiki Healing, meditation or to read the tarot cards. Gradually as they ascend to a new level of consciousness, they may begin to see auras or be encouraged through their own life experiences to trust their own intuition more. Those at a higher level of consciousness are usually open to Clairvoyance and other Clair abilities, and Mediumship. They may also be a channel for Ascended Masters and Angels.

The information above is given as an example of how the awakening process can work. Your own experience however is unique and could be completely different.

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