life lessons
life lessons

Life Lessons


If you are seeking spiritual knowledge, you may find this article, Life Lessons from our Spiritual Awareness category helpful. At some point during your life, if it is your calling, the Universe may activate your Soul to begin the process of your spiritual awakening. As you embark on your spiritual journey, you will make many new discoveries that will alter your whole perspective of life. Your life will take on a whole new meaning and you will realise just how narrow your view of life was before. You will realise that there is so much more to learn and explore in your quest to increase your spiritual awareness and to gain a greater understanding of the true meaning of life and our Universe.

Category Articles

Life Lessons
Soul and Spirit
The Universe and Life Forces
Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual Growth Process
Freewill or Fate


Planet Earth is like one big classroom where we are ALL set to learn lessons through our life experiences.

Life is a journey, and from the time we are born to the time when we depart our lives on Planet Earth, we connect with people that help create the lessons that we need to learn. Learning can be fun and exciting. However, it isn’t much fun when our lessons involve dealing with people and situations that are challenging and draining.

Lessons To Learn

Some lessons may be learnt quickly, whereas others may take years to learn. Learning the art of patience is one such lesson that can take a long time to learn. As a part of the learning process, we will encounter similar situations over and over again until the lesson has been learnt. So if you find yourself repeatedly experiencing similar situations, whether that be in relationships, work or another aspect of your life, the key is to look for the lesson and learn it! You might have to look deep and it still might not be obvious as to what the lesson actually is but eventually all things come to light and that is when you will be fully aware of it.

We, as human beings, may not always enjoy learning our lessons, but we can be sure that our SOULS do! Our Souls actually THRIVE on the learning experience that life presents. Quite simply, we are here on Planet Earth to learn, and that is the REAL meaning of our lives.

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