spiritual growth process
spiritual growth process

Spiritual Growth Process


If you are seeking spiritual knowledge, you may find this article, Spiritual Growth Process from our Spiritual Awareness category helpful. At some point during your life, if it is your calling, the Universe may activate your Soul to begin the process of your spiritual awakening. As you embark on your spiritual journey, you will make many new discoveries that will alter your whole perspective of life. Your life will take on a whole new meaning and you will realise just how narrow your view of life was before. You will realise that there is so much more to learn and explore in your quest to increase your spiritual awareness and to gain a greater understanding of the true meaning of life and our Universe.

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Spiritual Growth Process
Soul and Spirit
The Universe and Life Forces
Spiritual Awakening
Life Lessons
Freewill or Fate
growth process


Spiritual growth is a process of learning that every Soul is in a human body to experience. This growth process continues through each life time and beyond.

There will be times when the process may seem more intense, particularly when life becomes very challenging. It is however through the most challenging of situations that we learn and grow the most.

Spiritual Growth Process And Isolation

Some people who are awakening may live through a period of time isolated away from others. They may find they are disconnected completely from family members and friends, which can make for a very lonely life. If this should be your experience, know that you are being called to connect more fully with your HIGHER SELF. In effect, it is a way that the Universe helps you to tune in to your SOUL, SPIRIT and the UNIVERSE, and to learn to TRUST your SELF too. And naturally, this is easier done away from the influence or interference of other people.

Sometimes this experience is referred to as being in a ‘spiritual box’. It is in effect a space where you are protected as you learn and develop your spiritual side. You may experience hardship and other tough challenges in life. You may feel as though the Universe is putting you through the wringer at times, and all of these experiences may seem even worse when you feel alone with no-one to turn to or amongst people who don’t truly understand you. Fortunately, it doesn’t last forever, and eventually you are let out of your box, so to speak, and by that time, your perspective of life will be totally different.

If you do find yourself feeling isolated or less in touch with people that have always been a part of your life, just know that this is just a part of the spiritual growth process, and that sooner or later you will return to the mainstream, where your light will shine brilliantly!

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