


On this page we take a brief look at the Soul connections of Karmic / teacher and companion Soulmates. As Souls, we each belong to a Soul family. From the day we are born, we connect with members of our Soul families to create and share life experiences with. The Soul intention is to learn life lessons through those experiences. Each member of a soul family is a type of Soulmate. There are karmic / teacher soulmates, companion soulmates, the false twin flame and the true twin flame. We will find our soulmates in partners, family members, friends, teachers, acquaintances and work colleagues. Also, let us not forget our pets and other creatures here on Earth too – if they are a part of our lives, then there is a Soul connection.

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Twin Flame
soul connections soulmates


Below we take a brief look at the various types of Soulmates that we all meet on our life journeys. While some of our soul connections may be short and fleeting, others may last a life time. All of our soul connections are important as they help us to create our lives and the lessons we are here to learn. Life is our own creation, but only with the help of the wonderful people we meet along the way!

Karmic Soulmates / Teacher Soulmates

A karmic soulmate could be a romantic interest, partner, family member, friend, teacher or work colleague. The connection is often a typical love/hate or like/dislike one. At worst the connection can be very unstable and challenging. The karmic soulmate is one through whom you may learn your toughest life lessons.

With this connection, we deal with karma, and so there are lessons to be learnt from which there is no escape, until the karma is resolved. A karmic relationship, and in particular if it is a love connection, often ends abruptly or unexpectedly. The karma may also reverse, and there may be a reconnection between two people following an ending of their relationship. As an example of karma reversing, if one person was the stronger one the first time around, that person will be the weaker one the second time, and vice versa for the other person within the connection.

A karmic relationship has a tendency to come to an end, even if it takes many years to reach that stage, because once the karma has been resolved, there is no purpose left to continue on with the connection and so it is usually severed.

Companion Soulmates

A companion soulmate is usually someone with whom you will feel very comfortable and at ease around. You may feel a distinct warmth emanating from the companion soulmate and have a strong sense that the person can be trusted right from the moment the initial connection is made. You may also sense that the companion soulmate has your best interests at heart, and they will prove that is the case as time goes on. The companion soulmate is usually supportive and helpful. They will side with you in any conflict and won’t be challenging or cause any harm.

The most stable relationships are found amongst companion soulmates because they are so compatible, and these relationships often lead to a life long union. This, however, doesn’t necessarily have to be a love connection. For instance, it could be a connection that exists between you and a best friend. Companion soulmates may live together or simply enjoy spending a lot of time together. We will all most likely connect with more than one companion soulmates in our life times.

False Twin Flame and True Twin Flame

The false twin flame and the true twin flame connections are less common as not all individuals are destined to connect with their twin flame during their lifetime. That being said, the False Twin Flame, and the true twin flame connections are occurring more often as we are living through times of a mass spiritual awakening on our planet, and so there is the possibility that you may be in the process of being prepared to meet with your twin flame. Please click on the link in the right side column to learn more about the twin flame connection.

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