twin flame
twin flame

Twin Flame


On this page we take a brief look at the Soul connections of the False Twin and the true Twin Flame. As the saying goes “true love conquers all”, and within the twin flame connection, it is fair to say that ancient adage is truly put to the test.

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Twin Flame
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We are living through times in which a mass spiritual awakening is occurring on our planet, and many people are ascending to higher levels of consciousness. Many twin flames are reconnecting at this time. Each set of twin flames have a mission to fulfil that is unique to them. However, their overall purpose is to assist with the ascension process and to serve humanity. Their love, light, and energy contributes to the process of raising the energetic vibration of the planet and human consciousness.

The twin flame is a highly advanced Soul. Each twin will usually experience their own spiritual awakening at some point on their pathway. This spiritual awakening may occur in the years before or soon after the twins first reconnect in this life time. For that reason, one twin may be more spiritually advanced and aware than the other at the time of reconnecting. If you meet your twin and you find that they have no spiritual understanding at all, you could be the trigger that activates their journey. Whether they are spiritually aware or not, you will both learn a lot through each other.


One of the most important things to remember in regard to your twin flame connection is to keep it REAL. It is all too easy to assume that just because you have met your twin soul that you are guaranteed their love and a happy ever after relationship. It simply doesn’t work like that and you would be setting your SELF up for a very testing time if you look upon the connection with that assumption.

While you are both a half of the same Soul, as human beings you are individuals. You both have your own specific needs and beliefs that have to be respected. Your twin has to be ready to accept you into their life to allow your relationship to develop. Although you may have reconnected, it doesn’t mean that you are both ready for the relationship. It can take many years or decades even, before you are both ready to unite in harmony with each other.


If you find you are being rejected by your twin flame, it doesn’t mean that you have to continue on in your life alone. Many people have a tendency to put their lives on hold in the pursuit of the person that they believe to be their twin flame. Some of those people will eventually discover that the person they have pursued is not their twin flame, while others are subjected to a life of confusion and frustration as they wait for their beloved to get on track with them.

It is important to remember that you have free will and can choose to put your own happiness first and move on to another relationship if the opportunity arises. You can trust that the Universe will bring your twin flame back to you at the right time (if it is your twin), even if it takes years to manifest. Never be afraid to let go as that is fear based. You will understand why as you read on.

Recognizing Your Twin Flame

When you first reconnect with your Twin Flame in this life time, you can expect it to happen at a time when you are least expecting it. You may not be looking for love at all. Then along comes your twin and suddenly you are head over heels in love. It is a POWERFUL connection, and you may not be ready for it at all. If you are not, then you may find that you have a strong urge to run the moment you feel just how strong the connection is. It can in effect be quite scary as the feeling will be unlike anything you have ever felt before.

You will recognise your twin flame INSTANTLY, especially if you are spiritually advanced. Even if one twin is not advanced, they will still recognise that they have met someone truly special. However, they may not understand the connection. Your Souls will recognise each other and the energy will draw you together to make that connection.

The communication between you will simply flow, and you will feel like you have always known this person. The trust is there immediately. The telepathy is strong between twin flames. You have the kind of connection in which at times there is no need for words. You will just know what your twin is thinking and vice versa. For this reason, nothing can truly be hidden between twin flames, and so you are both inclined to be very open with each other. You will never find this kind of connection with another human being, because no ONE will ever know you as well as the twin does. The twin will naturally know you inside out, whether you want them to or not.

Your Ideal Partner

You might imagine that your twin flame will be your ideal partner, and be someone who will meet all of your expectations in regards to the type of person that you would normally be attracted to. It is however better to lower your expectations as you may find that your twin flame is not your usual type at all. The twin may have personality traits and characteristics that you would not normally feel able to accept in a partner. Their physical appearance may not match your ideal. Sometimes, there can be a large age gap, whereby your twin flame may be from another generation being older or younger than you. The twin flame usually embodies traits that were exhibited in past partners and you will clearly see this in them.

The twin flame may in some way challenge your ideals, but it is the unconditional love that is always there between you that will enable you to gradually accept EVERYTHING about this person and without conditions. If necessary, you will learn to accept them for who they are and not as you would like them to be. None of this happens instantly, but rather it happens over time.

Bubble Love Phase

The ‘Bubble Love’ phase usually begins immediately or soon after your twin flame initially appears in your life. If you first connect via the internet, you will most likely experience this phase before any physical meeting has had a chance to happen. Even if there is a million miles between you, if it’s your twin flame, you will experience the ‘bubble love”. This phase will bond you with your twin flame. Also, it will clearly show you what it feels like to be in harmony and as ONE with your twin and the unconditional love that exists between you.

So how will you feel during the “bubble love” phase?

You certainly won’t feel like your usual self for a few days or even a week. The feeling is so intense that it will be unlike anything that you have ever felt before. It literally takes over your whole being as you are fully encompassed by the love. Trying to concentrate on anything other than your twin flame will become impossible. Your thoughts will keep coming back to your twin, and the energy makes you fully aware that you have met someone very unique and special. You may find that hidden or dormant creative talents surface during this phase, for instance, you may find you suddenly feel inspired to paint, write, dance, sing, etc. and be surprised to find you are rather good at it.

Experience the difference

You will normally feel an intense energy when you first connect with a companion soulmate. The energy makes you very aware that you have a strong connection and need to know that person. You may also experience a similar energy with a karmic soulmate, if it is a love connection. The intense energy however, that you experience upon meeting a soulmate is NOT the same as the ‘bubble love’ energy that you experience when connecting with your Twin Flame. There is a distinctive difference in what you will feel, and it is a difference that you can only truly be aware of when you have had the experience of connecting with both a soulmate and the twin flame.

Blissful bubble

The bubble love phase can last for days, weeks or even a few months. The energy is extremely intense, indeed so intense that it literally encompasses your whole being and you will actually feel as though you are inside a bubble that is impossible to escape from. Not that you will want to escape from such a love filled blissful bubble. It’s just that it will be impossible to get anything done. You will usually draw so close to your twin during this phase that nothing else in this world will matter!


Of course, you do eventually come back down to Earth after being in such an exalted state. And so the bubble love effect disappears. As time goes by, you may reflect on how you felt during the bubble love phase and wonder “where did the love go?”. It will come back but only when you and your twin flame have done all the work necessary to bring you to the stage of Union.

You and your twin flame both have karma which has to be cleared before you can unite in harmony. The twins may have karma to resolve between them. However, most karma is usually linked to other people. And for that reason, unexpected and frequent separations between the twins will usually occur. These separations may be long or short, and often cause a lot of confusion.

One or both twin flames may decide to run from the relationship or one may run and the other does the chasing. It is usually a very confusing and frustrating time for the one who is the chaser. Nothing will make much sense, and you will have to rely on faith alone that your twin flame will eventually come back to you. These separations are designed to create the space that is needed for the twin flames to work on clearing karma. They have to be apart to do this, and cannot be together. They also need space to work on overcoming their fears as the intensity of the twin flame connection brings all fears to the surface.

Facing Your Fears

As the fears surface, you become more aware of how you are hindering and preventing your SELF from being all that you can be. You’ll discover new talents and become very aware of who you really are. Not all twin flames reach the stage of Union but that won’t prevent either twin from reaching their full potential. You will discover your true life purpose and go on to achieve it, with or without your twin flame by your side.

Although your relationship with your twin flame will be challenging, you will have the energy to cope with it all. If it is your true twin flame, much as you may feel confused and frustrated by your twin at times, you won’t feel drained of energy because your energetic vibrations are on the same frequency, and so neither of you have power over the other to cause such a drain. In that sense, you are equal and do not feed energy from each other no matter what happens between you. It is however a different story should you encounter the false twin flame, an energy vampire . . .

The False Twin Flame

You may encounter a false twin flame before your true twin arrives in your life. The false twin is attracted to the light of a highly evolved twin and will use the connection established with the twin for their own benefit. Many characteristics of the false twin will be very similar to the true twin flame. They may have the same hobbies. The size of their family may be the same. There may be some similarities in their physical appearance, such as the style and colour of their hair. You will find that you have much in common with the false twin as you both will have had similar life experiences. Significant dates in their life may hold special meaning for you too.

It may seem that they are displaying all the signs of being your twin flame and there will even be the synchronicities too, but with the false twin flame connection, you will have niggling doubts and your intuition will be screaming at you to think again too! Your heart KNOWS the truth.

At the beginning of the relationship the false twin will appear kind and giving, but the giving stops as they start to take from you. The false twin is in effect an energy vampire and will feed off your energy. You will feel physically drained in their presence. This person will not support you willingly if you needed their help but would expect you to support them. You will never feel totally comfortable and at ease around the false twin, and you will have a vague sense that this person isn’t being true.

Prophetic Dreams

The false twin flame will frequently appear in your dreams during the course of your relationship. This is a very strong sign that you are involved with a false twin flame. The dreams will be prophetic and will therefore hold meaning, so take notice and write them down.

Master Numbers

You may start to see master numbers everywhere, such as the number 11, 22, 33, 44 and so on. While seeing the number 11 is a sign that your twin flame could be about to make an entrance into your life, it is also a sign that you are growing spiritually.

The ending of a false twin relationship may be abrupt and unexpected. This is because the false twin has taken all they can, and doesn’t have any use for you in their life any more. When you have regained your energy, the false twin may even try to come back into your life to take some more. Of course, there is a solution for that – just don’t go there!

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The content on this page is based upon the Author’s personal experience and MUST NOT be copied, duplicated, printed, published or posted on any other website.
Copyright © 2020. Content revised and updated in January 2024.

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