soul connections
soul connections

Soul Connections


You will find brief but informative articles in our Soul Connections category.
You may find these articles helpful as you explore your spirituality and take a deeper look at your connections.

Category Articles

Twin Flame
soul connections category


In this category, we take a look at the various types of Soulmates that we all connect with on our life journeys. We also take a look at the Twin Flame connection.

Your life is your creation, but it is only possible with the help of the wonderful Soul connections that you make along the way. And even the not so wonderful connections all contribute to the creation of your life story and the lessons that you were born to learn. At heart, we are ALL connected because as Souls we originate from the same Source. Once we depart this life, we go back to Source and our connections continue on as they have always done for eternity.

While the idea of a Soulmate is often linked to a love relationship and romanticized, Soulmates come in many other guises. For instance, a Soulmate can be a teacher, a boss, work colleague, or a friend. Many of our relationships are karmic, whereby we have lessons to learn and karma to resolve and a Soulmate may even appear as a frenemy. We all make such connections at some point in our lives. From a spiritual perspective, a frenemy only plays such a role in order to create the necessary challenges and the lesson.

While some articles may or many not resonate with you at this time, if you are drawn to read them, it could be that the Universe is trying to draw your attention to something. At the very least though, you may gain you some ‘food for thought’ that may be helpful to you at some point in the future.

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