prophetic dreams
prophetic dreams

Prophetic Dreams


Is there any meaning to your dreams? This article, Prophetic Dreams from our Dreams category may help you decide. It may be said that a dream is only a dream, but is it really? Well, it may be to those who don’t take much notice of their dreams, but for those who do take notice, they soon realise that their dreams hold meaning. If you are trying to make sense of a dream, why not try our Dream Interpretation service.

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Prophetic Dreams
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Dream Interpretation Service
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Prophetic dreams often occur soon after going to sleep or early in the morning just before you wake up. You will find that something wakes you up just before the end of the prophetic dream. It could be something that happens in the dream that jolts you awake, or it may be something in the room that disturbs you. This happens so that you will give the dream some thought and consider the possible prophecy of it. And more importantly, you are more likely to remember it.

Prophetic dreams may easily be forgotten within a short space of time soon after waking, especially if you are not fully focused on remembering the dream from the moment you awake. For that reason, it helps to have a dream diary by your bedside to write prophetic dreams down immediately upon waking. As you write the details down, you will take it in on the conscious level and so will remember much, if not all of it, in the future.

Our fears, concerns, emotions, hopes, desires, wishes, people and places from the past, present and future can all appear in our dreams. Here we take a look at 3 prophetic dreams and the reality of the dream when it occurred in real life. Some prophetic dreams can be quite scary and may also give some kind of warning, while others can be downright weird and appear to make hardly any sense at all.

Below, we share 3 prophetic dreams and the interpretation of those dreams. Please note this content is subject to copyright and shared on this page with permission. This content must not be copied, reproduced or displayed anywhere else. The real names of the people that had these dreams have been changed.

Prophetic Dreams – Dream 1

The Prophetic Dream
In 1973, when Cathy was 8 years old, she dreamt that she walked down the stairs in her home, and into the living room. There she saw her Mother sitting in her usual armchair. Her Father was standing beside her Mother dressed as a surgeon in a theatre gown and hat. In his hand he had a hacksaw and was also holding a prosthetic leg. There was also another prosthetic leg propped up against a table. He stood in front of the Mother and started to fit the prosthetic leg on her. Cathy walked through the living room and out into the back garden. It was Spring time and the first thing she noticed was the Daffodils in the flower bed. There was also a slab of grey rock near an apple and a pear tree in the dream that also existed at the time in reality in the garden.

This dream seemed so real to Cathy that she actually got up the next morning and wondered if her Mother was walking around on false legs.

The Reality
In September 1990, Cathy’s Mother was diagnosed with bowel cancer. After an operation she lost the ability to walk. By February 1991, her diagnosis was terminal. Cathy’s Father was her Mother’s main carer and they both lived in the same house as in the dream. A month later, in March, when Springtime had arrived, Cathy’s Mother was loaned a wheelchair, so that she could be taken outdoors for a change of scenery and some fresh air. On a visit to see her Mother, Cathy and her Father took her outside into the back garden in her wheelchair. The first thing Cathy noticed was an abundance of Daffodils in a flower bed and the slab of grey rock that had been there for years, right near the apple and pear trees.

Dream Interpretation
It had taken 27 years for the prophecy of the dream to occur in real life. Every aspect of the dream held meaning in reality. The hacksaw that Cathy’s Father held in his hand pointed to the operation that her Mother had. Cathy’s Father being dressed a surgeon pointed to the fact that he was dealing with a medical condition. The prosthetic legs referred to Cathy’s mother losing her ability to walk. The daffodils in the flower bed and the slab of grey rock that had always existed in reality was what made Cathy remember the dream all those years later.

Prophetic Dreams – Dream 2

The Prophetic Dream
In 2003, Rosanna dreamt that she was outside a big white Victorian house that was 4 storeys tall. Suddenly she was standing inside the house in the kitchen. There, Rosanna saw her Mother, who had passed over in 1991. She was wearing a blue flowered dressing gown that she often wore in life. Rosanna’s Mother was sitting on an old coal burner that had coal in it, and there was flames coming out of the bottom of it and licking the bottom of her dressing gown. She was surrounded by what looked like white smoke that was billowing out of the burner. Rosanna’s Mother then spoke and said out loud ‘Watch George, he will get burnt’. At that point Rosanna woke up from her dream.

The Reality
Rosanna has an autistic son called George. Rosanna’s Mother passed away 6 years before George was born, and so she had never seen him or known of him during her life time. Eight months after the dream, when George was 6 years old, Rosanna had just returned home with George and his siblings from the school run. She went into the cloakroom to hang up the coats. Just seconds later, George ran in screaming with his hand held out. His skin had turned white and was kind of hanging from the top of his hand. George was so upset that he could hardly talk and couldn’t say what had happened. Instinctively, Rosanna immediately placed George’s hand under a running cold tap while filling the wash basin with cold water in the cloakroom. Meanwhile, George’s older brother said that it looked as though he had boiled the kettle in an attempt to make himself a Pot Noodle and instead of pouring the boiling water into the pot, he must have poured it directly on to his hand as there was water everywhere. It was something that George had never tried to do before. Rosanna stood with George for around 20 minutes with his hand in cold water under the running tap. She then wrapped George’s hand in a damp towel and drove down to the GP surgery. When they arrived, they were told the surgery was closed, and that they would have to go to the walk-in centre, several miles away. George was given no treatment at all at the GP surgery, and so with his hand still wrapped in the damp towel, they went to the walk-in centre and as soon as they arrived, a nurse rushed to get a bucket of water to put George’s hand in. It turned out to be a 3rd degree burn, but it was only by having kept his hand in cold water for 20 minutes that had prevented it from being far worse. George’s hand healed surprisingly quickly with treatment. Within a couple of weeks it had healed completely with no scar left at all.

Dream Interpretation
In the dream, the big white Victorian house was very similar to a house that Rosanna’s Mother had worked in as a Housekeeper in her lifetime. She was in the kitchen, and it was in the kitchen that George’s accident occurred. Rosanna had been uncertain as to whether it was smoke or steam surrounding her Mother. It was obviously steam as that would relate to the kettle that George boiled as steam would come out of it. The fire in the dream just licking her Mother’s dressing gown suggested that it would burn but not to a great degree. The fact that Rosanna’s Mother had said ‘Watch George, he will get burnt’, was her way of giving proof that she existed in the afterlife and that she was aware of George’s existence in this life, even though he had not been born in her lifetime. The dream appeared to be a warning, but it wasn’t a warning that was ever going to prevent the incident from happening, as there was no time frame given and 8 months passed after the dream before it happened. Rosanna’s Mother also appeared to her in another prophetic dream 5 years later to give advice, which again was related to George. The advice was taken, and proved to be the right thing to do. George clearly has a Guardian Angel looking out for him, although it didn’t stop him from being burnt!

Prophetic Dreams – Dream 3

The Prophetic Dream
In 2014, Lynn had a dream in which she was with her daughter and her daughter’s partner. They were standing in a building that had a rickety old wooden balcony above them that looked as though it was falling apart. Lynn’s daughter told her to climb up and said that her partner had just built it, but Lynn thought the balcony would collapse if she tried to climb up.

Next, Lynn was standing with her partner, Ken, in a street in an area that she didn’t recognise. Then, a woman came up to Ken, and started to talk to him. Lynn could feel that Ken really loved this woman and would do anything for her. She felt it must be one of his ex-partners. The woman then approached Lynn and said “sorry but I haven’t seen him for a while”, and then she walked away. Ken wanted to go after the woman and walked off following her, leaving Lynn on her own. Lynn then decided to go after them.

In the dream, Lynn was then walking down a street looking for Ken when a mid-terraced house caught her attention. Lynn could see 3 bodies lying on the pathway that led to the front door of the house. The front door was wide open and there was a lot of light, and yet it was too dark for Lynn to clearly see who the bodies were. The police were there and Lynn wanted to take a closer look but she didn’t think the police would let her, and so she walked by hesitantly. Suddenly a car pulled up, and a woman jumped out shouting “that’s Ken there”. Lynn said “are you sure, what number is the house?” The woman shouted twice “it’s number 4!!”. Lynn ran back to the house, and a policeman was standing over the body nearest to the front door. The head lifted up and Lynn could see it was Ken, but it looked like he had a stroke as his mouth was open and all lopsided. Lynn then wondered who the 3rd person was and where that person had come from. She thought they had all been shot and felt that they were dying. Lynn then woke up from the dream at that point crying.

The Reality
Just 5 months after Lynn had the dream, she was with her partner, Ken, at her daughter’s home. It was Christmas time. It was around that time Lynn and Ken’s relationship was starting to become very rocky, but it took until April to really hit the rocks and they had a major falling out. Ken had told a lot of lies throughout their relationship and one evening they had a big argument. Lynn called her daughter and asked if she could go there for a while, but she ended up staying in the home she shared with Ken despite his threats. Within a month of their falling out, Lynn discovered that Ken was having an affair with his ex-partner. In the months that followed, Ken got up to all kinds of antics in trying to make Lynn leave the home (which was number 4) they lived in together, even to the extreme of threatening to call the police to have her removed, but she stood her ground and refused to move out. Their home situation only changed when Ken’s ex-partner left her partner in London and returned to live in the town where Lynn and Ken lived. As Ken wanted to be with her, he decided to move out and left a week later.

Dream Interpretation
The rickety old wooden balcony that looked as though it would fall apart pointed to the collapse of Lynn and Ken’s relationship. Lynn was with her daughter and partner looking at the balcony, Ken wasn’t present, so that showed that Lynn would be on her own. Lynn felt the woman that spoke to her and Ken in the street was an ex-partner and that he loved her. The police pointed to the threats that Ken had made to Lynn. The lights in the house, pointed to Lynn seeing the light upon discovering his affair. There were 3 people on the pathway outside the house which pointed to Ken, his ex-partner and Lynn. The number 4 that the woman shouted out in the dream related to the home that Lynn shared with Ken as that was a number 4. Ken had a lopsided mouth which pointed to all the lies that he had told Lynn. Lynn felt that he was dying and that pointed to the fact that their relationship was dead.

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